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Code to Extract Email Addresses
This Info Was Quoted From Jay Stilla and Mister Bots Blooger By Google Blogs. TopBots.BlogSpot.Com [Created By iMyriad CEO Jason Jay Stilla Lee" it is a Informative Social Media Marketing Bots News Blog & That List Free Downloads of Automated Bot Software Apps for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Instagram & Social Media Websites Written By Jason "Jay Stilla" Lee Online. His Alias Mister Bots Is Software Creation Specialist whom Develops Marketing Bots and Software Scripts that are Given away at no cost weekly. He Also teaches SEO Secrets and Tools For Advertising" Blogger.Com -TopBots Website Blog https://TopBots.Com < Informative Software and internet Technology News Blog.. Web blogging on new 2015 Bots and 2014's Best Software Bots Automated and Scripted Combined. iMyriads.BigCartel.Com < is a Website Created by Jay Stilla
Code to Extract Email Addresses
The Following is a sample code to Extract Email addresses from a given string and store them into an array.I will give the code as Method, so that you can easily import it into your application.This code can be easily used to extract Email Id’s from a web page, just pass the HTML of the web page as the Text2Scrape.
This Class uses String arrays to store results
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
- namespace JayStilla.Mrbots
- {
- public class ExtractEmails
- {
- private string s;
- public ExtractEmails(string Text2Scrape)
- {
- this.s = Text2Scrape;
- }
- public string[] Extract_Emails()
- {
- string[] Email_List = new string[0];
- Regex r = new Regex(@"[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- Match m;
- //Searching for the text that matches the above regular expression(which only matches email addresses)
- for (m = r.Match(s); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
- {
- //This section here demonstartes Dynamic arrays
- if (m.Value.Length > 0)
- {
- //Resize the array Email_List by incrementing it by 1, to save the next result
- Array.Resize(ref Email_List, Email_List.Length + 1);
- Email_List[Email_List.Length - 1] = m.Value;
- }
- }
- return Email_List;
- }
- }
- }
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System. Media;
using System.Threading
- namespace TopBots.Media
- {
- public class ExtractEmailLists
- {
- private string s;
- public ExtractEmailLists(string Text2Scrape)
- {
- this.s = Text2Scrape;
- }
- public string[] Extract_Emails()
- {
- Regex r = new Regex(@"[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- Match m;
- List results = new List();
- for (m = r.Match(s); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
- {
- if (!(results.Contains(m.Value)))
- results.Add(m.Value);
- }
- return results.ToArray();
- }
- }
- }
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https://TopBots.Com This Info Was Quoted From Jay Stilla and Mister Bots Blooger By Google Blogs. TopBots.BlogSpot.Comhttps://TopBots.Com [Created By iMyriad CEO Jason Jay Stilla Lee" it is a Informative Social Media Marketing Bots News Blog & That List Free Downloads of Automated Bot Software Apps for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Instagram & Social Media Websites Written By Jason "Jay Stilla" Lee Online. His Alias Mister Bots Is Software Creation Specialist whom Develops Marketing Bots and Software Scripts that are Given away at no cost weekly. He Also teaches SEO Secrets and Tools For Advertising"https://TopBots.Com
https://TopBots.Com Blogger.Com -TopBots Website https://TopBots.Com Bloghttps://TopBots.Com Https://TopBots.BlogSpot.Com < Informative Software and internet Technology News Blog.. Web blogging on new 2015 Bots and 2014's Best Software Bots Automated and Scripted Combined. iMyriads.BigCartel.Com < is a Website Created by Jay Stilla
- Period One Multimedia Enterprises include:https://TopBots.Com
- Jay Stilla Productions LLC - Limited Liability Corporation LLC
- JayStilla, JStilla, J Stila, JayStila, Stila, Stilla, JayStill ,Jay Still, Stil, Jays, Tilla, Stela, Steela, Stells, Steel, Stala, Stalla, Joy, J, Jai, Ja, Jah,Jey, ay, Stillah, Stillar, Stillas, Best, Inland, Empire, Cali, Westside San Bernardino, Medical Center, 1500 Block
- Period One Records Incorporated - Period 1 - P 1 Recs Inc
- iMyriad Software and Web Development Company
- iMyriad Api IMyriad, iMyriads,iMyriadInc, iMirage, Myrid, Myriads, Miriad, Miriads, Myridad, Myridads, i, I, Website, Programing, App Designer, Maker, Creator, Trap Heroes Ent Trap Hero, Trap Heros, TrapHeros, TrapHeroes, TrapHero
- blogID=474998914877739882
- ID=7679287794528678598
- <!--more--><h2>
- #Hashtags <complete id="7679287794528678598">+</complete> Keywords List</h2>
- https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=474998914877739882#editor/target=post;postID=7679287794528678598
- https://TopBots.Com
- Blogger: Jay Stilla also a Song Writer Musician and Computer programmer/ App Developer
- Blogs: Topbots.BlogSpot.Com , JayStilla.BlogSpot.Com , Reverbnation.Com/JayStilla
- Albums: Jason Society Vol. 1, 8 Eight , S.T.I.L.L.A 2015 unReleased
- Release Dates: May /22 /2014, Nov. 8 2014
- Genre(s): Hip Hop , Rap , R&B , Pop, Trap, Edm, Electronic, Avant- Garde
- Location: Inland Empire West Side San Bernardino Los Angeles-Southern Ca
- Ceo of All Following Businesses and Services: Jason Jay Stilla Lee
- Pertinent Information: Software, Developer, Coder, Python, Java Script, CSS, HTML5, coding, Reverse Engineering, Debugger, Static Source Code, Text Edit, Generator, Ruby Rails, Zeus Ide Programing Android SDK Windows SDK I Phone APi as Well as Emulator Programs, Dev Tools and Software Anylysis and Development Kits. iMyriads.BigCartel.Com will be sell Jay Stilla Source Code, Scripts and New Bots
- App Developing Company Ceo Jay Stilla
- iMyriads.BigCartel.Com
- iMyriad.VisualStudios.Com
- Twitter.Com/iMyriad
- Facebook.Com/iMyriad
- Label: Period One Records Inc"- (“.1records”)
- Merch: Period1.BigCartel.Com,
- Merch: Buykmk.BigCartel.Com,
- Merch: JayStilla.BigCartel.Com,
- Blog: JayStilla.Blogspot.Com
- Blog: TopBots.BlogSpot.Com
- Website Link: www.mtv.com/artists/JayStilla
- Myspace Link: www.myspace.com/Jay-Stilla
- Facebook Link: www.facebook.com/JayStillaBeats
- Bandcamp Link: jaystilla.bandcamp.com
- Reverbnation Link: www.reverbnation.com/JayStilla
- Twitter Link: www.twitter.com/JayStilla
- PureVolume Link: www.PureVolume.com/jaystilla
- Fandalism Link :www.Fandalism.com/jaystilla
- YouTube Link: www.youtube.com/jaystillatv
- Soundcloud Link: www.soundcloud.com/jasonsociety
- Fan Music Link: www.fanmusic.com/jaystilla
- Bandpage Link: www.BandPage.com/Jaystilla
- Music Brain Link: http://musicbrainz.org/artist/d2dcee8f-9656-4b83-9757-4e39cc9ebcde
- Meta Data Link Xml: https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/d2dcee8f-9656-4b83-9757-4e39cc9ebcde?inc=aliases
- Email:
- JayStillaTV@Gmail.Com
- JayStillaProductions@Gmail.Com
- JayStillaMusic@Gmail.Com
- JayStillaENT@Gmail.Com
- Free Download Link:
- http://www.mtv.com/artists/jay-stilla/downloads/
- http://www.reverbnation.com/jaystilla/album/68379-jason-society-1
- https://soundcloud.com/jasonsociety/san-bernardino
- Link to download the MP3s to your album:
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jason-society-1/id876330241
- http://www.amazon.com/Jason-Society-1-Jay-Stilla
- Free Streaming Radio Album Link:
- http://www.rdio.com/artist/Jay_Stilla/
- http://open.spotify.com/artist/5zo9ErLcrGzrDVanrpZjJb
- 1000 Free Social Media Likes No Cost Just Visit
- http://addmf.co/?BGKB7CH
- http://addmf.cc/?BGKB7CH
- http://a.seoclerks.com/linkin/252867
- http://www.reverbnation.com/c./a4/10232852/3928250/Artist/3928250/Artist/link
- Copyright (C) 2014
- Period One Records, Inc.
- 464 W 4th St # 322
- San Bernardino, CA
- 92401. USA
- "Jay Stilla Productions LLC" ® is a registered trademark of "Period One Records Inc"- (“.1records”)
- Section 1:
- (a) *You have no Permission or Public right to Produce A "work based on Jay Stilla Unified Composition" meaning either Jason Society or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing its full content or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) *
- (b) *You have no legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify Jason Society Volume 1 for any fee or acceptable form of payment. The term " the album" is used in reflection to the unified works of Producer & Songwriter Jason " Jay Stilla" Lee under Sections 1-3 of Period One Records Inc - Jay Stilla Productions LLC 2014 international 6.0 multimedia Attribution/Distribution license*
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?Many software-based mastering tools are more than capable of delivering release-quality masters, and many of the songs you listen to have probably been done solely in the box. But it is important to keep in mind that mastering means getting the absolute best out of a piece of music before it is released. And this means compromise is not an option. And certainly it is true that analog equipment excels at certain types of signal processing and without it purely digital mastering is leaving something to be desired.
And, of coures, many if not most professional mastering engineers still employ some analog components while creating their masters. For many mastering engineers, analog signal processing offers some the most musically effective ways of processing a two-track master. And with the recording process becoming increasingly digital, it’s kind of nice to know that our tracks spend some of their time in the analog world before being heard by the general public.
High end analog equipment has electrical energy passing through it, this energy is influenced by the components within, the components cause necessary fluctuations to that energy that are possible to calculate using maths. They also have secondary side effects. The circuits have lots of small traits that end up creating a small but distinguished character. This can be very desirable in the world of static, sterile and perfect digital creations. This creates the character that audiophiles are so fond of talking about.
This is in contrast to digital processing, which consists of ones and zeroes making approximations of the analog gear.
It is important to note that not all analog equipment is built to high standards. And some plugins may do a much better job at certain tasks than cheaper analog components. It is also worth noting that character is not always a good thing. And depending on factors, most importantly, genre, may harm the master.
The most important piece of analog kit for mastering are your A/D D/A converters. The quality of your d/a converters is the starting point for any external analog processing.The importance of the converter cannot be understated. A cruddy conversion of your signal going to a topnotch analog compressor will still be returning that cruddy conversion. One simple starting point, therefore, is to consider upgrading to a top notch converter.
Converters: Apogee, Avid, Universal Audio, Cranesong, Prism,?
UREI/UNIVERSAL AUDIO 1176, Avalon Pre-Amp, 10 x Solid State Logic Channel Strips, Bellari Pre, Universal Audio LA2A Limiter, Phoniex Mastering Plus, Alesis 3230, API 2500, XL- Logic,
EQ-Manley, Pultec, Weiss, Tube Tech, Crane Song
Board:SSL E-Mu Board and Control 24 Console Patched Thru SSL Channel Strips
Compression: The Urei 1176, dbx 160, and the Teletronix LA2A
COMPUTER SYSTEMS: 3.4GHz Quad Core Apple iMAC, 2.6 GHz Mac Book Pro, Apple Time Machine 2-TB, REC ETC, KEYBOARDS: , Roland Fantom XA KeyStation, Akai SynthStation 49 Key Midi Trig/Controller, Alesis Q49 Midi Controller, Vintage Kawaii K8 Synthesizer, PADS: Ableton Push Pad Controller, Vintage Roland TR-909, Vintage Dr Rythym Drum Machine, HARDWARE: Universal Audio Apollo Duo Interface, Warm Audio WA12 Mic Pre-Amp, Bellari RP250, Alesis MMT-i8 Gold, 2-SSL Chanel Strips, MICROPHONES: Audio-Technica 5040 LG Diaphragm Mic, Groove Tubes GT44 Cardioid Mic, Vintage Shure Rov Mic, XLR Cabling,Shock-Mount/Pop Filter, PLAYBACK: KRK VXT8 Studio Monitors, KRK 10's Active Subwoofer,
Software and VST, VST3, TDM, Plug Ins:
Propeller Head Reason, Apple Logic Pro, Digidesign Pro Tools, Creative Wave labs, Audacity, Melodyne, Antares, Waves Diamond Bundle,Waves Mercury Bundle, Waves CLA Classic Compressors,. PSP Audioware VintageWarmer2,Klanghelm DC1A 2,Klanghelm DC8C 2,Softube Summit Audio TLA-100A?,Image Line Maximus?, 112dB Big Blue Compressor?,FabFilter Pro-C?, Sonalksis SV-315 Mk2, Kush Audio UBK-1 Isotope Ozone, T- Racks VST, Plug Ins ? for Mac (32/64-bit, VST, RTAS and AU) and PC (32/64-bit VST, RTAS Over $30,000 Of Software Available to Fine Tune Your Song.
Jay Stilla Productions LLC - Limited Liability Corporation LLC
JayStilla, JStilla, J Stila, JayStila, Stila, Stilla, JayStill ,Jay Still, Stil, Jays, Tilla, Stela, Steela, Stells, Steel, Stala, Stalla, Joy, J, Jai, Ja, Jah,Jey, ay, Stillah, Stillar, Stillas, Best, Inland, Empire, Cali, Westside San Bernardino, Medical Center, 1500 Block
Period One Records Incorporated - Period 1 - P 1 Recs Inc
iMyriad Software and Web Development Company
iMyriad Api IMyriad, iMyriads,iMyriadInc, iMirage, Myrid, Myriads, Miriad, Miriads, Myridad, Myridads, i, I, Website, Programing, App Designer, Maker, Creator, Trap Heroes Ent Trap Hero, Trap Heros, TrapHeros, TrapHeroes, TrapHero
#Hashtags <complete id="7679287794528678598">+</complete> Keywords List</h2>
Blogger: Jay Stilla also a Song Writer Musician and Computer programmer/ App Developer
Blogs: Topbots.BlogSpot.Com , JayStilla.BlogSpot.Com , Reverbnation.Com/JayStilla
Albums: Jason Society Vol. 1, 8 Eight , S.T.I.L.L.A 2015 unReleased
Release Dates: May /22 /2014, Nov. 8 2014
Genre(s): Hip Hop , Rap , R&B , Pop, Trap, Edm, Electronic, Avant- Garde
Location: Inland Empire West Side San Bernardino Los Angeles-Southern Ca
Ceo of All Following Businesses and Services: Jason Jay Stilla Lee
Pertinent Information: Software, Developer, Coder, Python, Java Script, CSS, HTML5, coding, Reverse Engineering, Debugger, Static Source Code, Text Edit, Generator, Ruby Rails, Zeus Ide Programing Android SDK Windows SDK I Phone APi as Well as Emulator Programs, Dev Tools and Software Anylysis and Development Kits. iMyriads.BigCartel.Com will be sell Jay Stilla Source Code, Scripts and New Bots
App Developing Company Ceo Jay Stilla
Label: Period One Records Inc"- (“.1records”)
Merch: Period1.BigCartel.Com,
Merch: Buykmk.BigCartel.Com,
Merch: JayStilla.BigCartel.Com,
Blog: JayStilla.Blogspot.Com
Blog: TopBots.BlogSpot.Com
Website Link: www.mtv.com/artists/JayStilla
Myspace Link: www.myspace.com/Jay-Stilla
Facebook Link: www.facebook.com/JayStillaBeats
Bandcamp Link: jaystilla.bandcamp.com
Reverbnation Link: www.reverbnation.com/JayStilla
Twitter Link: www.twitter.com/JayStilla
PureVolume Link: www.PureVolume.com/jaystilla
Fandalism Link :www.Fandalism.com/jaystilla
YouTube Link: www.youtube.com/jaystillatv
Soundcloud Link: www.soundcloud.com/jasonsociety
Fan Music Link: www.fanmusic.com/jaystilla
Bandpage Link: www.BandPage.com/Jaystilla
Music Brain Link: http://musicbrainz.org/artist/d2dcee8f-9656-4b83-9757-4e39cc9ebcde
Meta Data Link Xml: https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/d2dcee8f-9656-4b83-9757-4e39cc9ebcde?inc=aliases
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