Wednesday, December 24, 2014

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  • Friday, December 19, 2014



    Here is a very useful C# code snippet for generating random strong passwords. The password is generated using upper case and lower case alphabets, numerals and special characters.

    //create constant strings for each type of characters
    static string alphaCaps = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM";
    static string alphaLow = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm";
    static string numerics = "1234567890";
    static string special = "@#$";
    //create another string which is a concatenation of all above
    string allChars = alphaCaps + alphaLow + numerics + special;
    Random r = new Random();
    public string GenerateStrongPassword(int length)
        String generatedPassword = "";
        if (length < 4)
            throw new Exception("Number of characters should be greater than 4.");
        // Generate four repeating random numbers are postions of
        // lower, upper, numeric and special characters
        // By filling these positions with corresponding characters,
        // we can ensure the password has atleast one
        // character of those types
        int pLower, pUpper, pNumber, pSpecial;
        string posArray = "0123456789";
        if (length < posArray.Length)
            posArray = posArray.Substring(0, length);
        pLower = getRandomPosition(ref posArray);
        pUpper = getRandomPosition(ref posArray);
        pNumber = getRandomPosition(ref posArray);
        pSpecial = getRandomPosition(ref posArray);
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            if (i == pLower)
                generatedPassword += getRandomChar(alphaCaps);
            else if (i == pUpper)
                generatedPassword += getRandomChar(alphaLow);
            else if (i == pNumber)
                generatedPassword += getRandomChar(numerics);
            else if (i == pSpecial)
                generatedPassword += getRandomChar(special);
                generatedPassword += getRandomChar(allChars);
        return generatedPassword;
    private string getRandomChar(string fullString)
        return fullString.ToCharArray()[(int)Math.Floor(r.NextDouble() * fullString.Length)].ToString();
    private int getRandomPosition(ref string posArray)
        int pos;
        string randomChar = posArray.ToCharArray()[(int)Math.Floor(r.NextDouble()
                                       * posArray.Length)].ToString();
        pos = int.Parse(randomChar);
        posArray = posArray.Replace(randomChar, "");
        return pos;



    Using System.Diagnostics we can know the processes currently running in our machine.The code is quite simple. In the following demo, we will show all the processes running on your machine, plus a check if you are running Windows Live Messenger (a.k.a. MSN Messenger).

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Diagnostics;

    namespace CheckRunningProcesses
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    const string messenger = "msnmsgr";
    bool runningMessenger = false;

    // Get Collection of running processes from Process Static method
    Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses();

    // Scan processes in the obtained collection
    foreach (Process p in processes)

    if (p.ProcessName == messenger)
    runningMessenger = true;

    if (runningMessenger)
    Console.WriteLine("You have Windows Live Messenger (MSN) Running"); 


    Note: The above code does not check whether you are signed in to the msn service. It just checks whether the MSN executable is running.

    WPF - Redrawing the whole control on resize - Coded in C# [C-Sharp]VB, C++ (Open Source)

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    Redrawing The Whole Control On Resize[C#]


    Written By Jason Jay Stilla Lee - Programmer / Musician 
    Enjoy The Music While You Study This Code or Copy and Paste into .CS
    Coded: C#  Text Editor: Visual Studios 2013  Project: Windows Forms - WPF Application
    Tutorial # 6 How To Redraw The Whole Control on Resize.
    Music By Yours Truly Jay Stilla: Album Jason Society
    Press Play on a Song, Crack Your Fingers And Lets Get To Coding

    When custom controls or Windows Forms controls like Panel are resized, only their newly exposed portions are redrawn. However, this behaviour sometimes does not provide the desired results (see fig. 1 below).
    This example shows how to ensure redrawing of the whole control after resizing by setting the control's ResizeRedraw property.

    Fig. 1. A partially redrawn control after resizing.

    Redrawing the whole control on resize

    The ResizeRedraw protected property defined in the Control class indicates, whether the control redraws itself when resized. To ensure redrawing of the whole control on resize set this property to true. This will usually be done in the constructor of a derived class.
    public MyControl()
    ResizeRedraw = true;
    Alternatively, if you can not or don't want to create a derived class, set the property using reflection or simply call the Invalidate or Refresh method in the control's Resize event handler.
    using System.Reflection;
    public static void SetResizeRedraw(Control control)
    BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic,
    null, control, new object[] { true });
    myControl.Resize += new EventHandler(myControl_Resize);
    private void myControl_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)

    A sample control

    The following is a code of a user control displaying an ellipse that stretches and shrinks when the control's size changes:
    public partial class MyControl : UserControl
    public MyControl()
    ResizeRedraw = true;
    protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
    // draw a blue ellipse into the control area
    e.Graphics.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(Color.Blue), 2, 2,
    ClientRectangle.Width - 4, ClientRectangle.Height - 4);
    Whithout the ResizeRedraw statement, the control is redrawn only partially and the result looks like in figure 1 above. When the ResizeRedraw = true statement is included, the control is redrawn properly as shown in the following figure 2.

    Fig. 2. A properly redrawn control after resizing.

    Google Blogs. TopBots.BlogSpot.Com [Created By iMyriad CEO J Jay Stilla Lee" it is a Informative Social Media Marketing Bots News Blog & That List Free Downloads of Automated Bot Software Apps for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Instagram & Social Media Websites Written By Jason "Jay Stilla" Lee Online. His Alias Mister Bots Is Software Creation Specialist whom Develops Marketing Bots and Software Scripts that are Given away at no cost weekly. He Also teaches SEO Secrets and Tools For Advertising" Blogger.Com -TopBots Website Blog Https://TopBots.BlogSpot.Com < Informative Software and internet Technology News Blog.. Web blogging on new 2015 Bots and 2014's Best Software Bots Automated and Scripted Combined.

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    Thursday, December 18, 2014

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    Send Email With Attachment in ~ Programmer's Blog

    Send Email With Attachment in ~ Programmer's Blog TopBots.BlogSpot.Com < The Most Informative Blog About Bots, Codes, and Seo On The Web Free Code Here C#


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    In this example i am going to describe how to send email with attachment in ASP.NET using fileUpload Control. I am saving the uploaded file into memory stream rather then saving it on server.And for this example i m using Gmail SMTP server to send mail, this code also works fine with any SMTP Server. For sending Email in ASP.NET , first of allwe need to add Syatem.Net.Mail namespace in code behind of aspx page.
    C# Code Behindusing System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Security;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using System.Net.Mail;

    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
    mail.From = new MailAddress(txtFrom.Text);
    mail.Subject = txtSubject.Text;
    mail.Body = txtMessage.Text;
    mail.IsBodyHtml = true;

    //Attach file using FileUpload Control and put the file in memory stream
    if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
    mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream, FileUpload1.FileName));
    SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
    smtp.Host = ""; //Or Your SMTP Server Address
    smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential
    ("", "YourGmailPassword");
    //Or your Smtp Email ID and Password
    smtp.EnableSsl = true;

    VB.NET Code Behind

    Imports System
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Configuration
    Imports System.Web
    Imports System.Web.Security
    Imports System.Web.UI
    Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
    Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts
    Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
    Imports System.Net.Mail

    Public Partial Class _Default
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

    End Sub
    Protected Sub btnSend_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim mail As New MailMessage()
    mail.From = New MailAddress(txtFrom.Text)
    mail.Subject = txtSubject.Text
    mail.Body = txtMessage.Text
    mail.IsBodyHtml = True

    'Attach file using FileUpload Control and put the file in memory stream
    If FileUpload1.HasFile Then
    mail.Attachments.Add(New Attachment(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream, FileUpload1.FileName))
    End If
    Dim smtp As New SmtpClient()
    smtp.Host = ""
    'Or Your SMTP Server Address
    smtp.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("", "YourGmailPassword")
    'Or your Smtp Email ID and Password
    smtp.EnableSsl = True

    End Sub
    End Class Jay%20Stilla

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    Tech Disruptions Will Reshape Advertising "Data-Driven Thinking" is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media.

    The Human Context Can Unlock The True Value Of Mobile
    December 18th, 2014 - 12:06 am By Mister Bots

    “The Sell Sider” is a column written for the sell side of the digital media community.
    Today’s column is written about Heather Menery, vice president of emerging solutions at PubMatic.
    There are many debates today surrounding mobile and display: Are they now one and the same? Should we still have dedicated, separate budgets or simply merge mobile and display together?
    Although it’s clear that we must manage all these channels in an integrated and efficient way, mobile still has unique qualities that set it apart from others. Users, for example, behave very differently on their mobile devices than they do on laptops. We can also take advantage of mobile’s unique attributes, especially in the programmatic space.
    The key is in understanding that the value of mobile is ultimately captured in the human context: a person’s location, activities and intent.
    Our mobile devices accompany us everywhere, from our first morning coffee run to the workplace, business lunches and happy hours, before ending up on our nightstands as we go to sleep. While traditional display ads are presented in the context of the activity on the device, such as the web page being read or game being played, mobile ads become more effective when they reflect the context of the person’s activity. The ability to use location to make inferences about what people are doing and what they might want based on that activity is far more valuable than the on-device context in which the ad itself is shown.

    These Tech Disruptions Will Reshape Advertising

    December 8th, 2014 - 8:45 pm By Jay Stilla
    "Data-Driven Thinking" is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media.

    While the term “disruption” has become a bit of a cliché, there’s no denying that technology is radically reshaping the ad industry. Investments in programmatic-powered ad campaigns are climbing, enabling agencies, brands, publishers and even broadcast players to realize significant value from automation.
    And as programmatic technologies continue to evolve – fueled by increasingly massive amounts of data – the benefits will move far beyond just process efficiencies to impact every aspect of advertising, from media selection and creative execution to how TV advertisers serve data-enhanced campaigns.
    With all of this in mind, I expect to see three developments in 2015.

    What is programmatic buying?
    What is programmatic selling?
    What is real-time bidding?
    What is ‘Big Data’?
    What is an algorithm?

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    ADVERTISING More: Features Advertising Blogs
    Meet The 22 Most Influential Advertising Bloggers

    DEC. 8, 2014, 8:25 AM TopBots.BlogSpot.Com

    Goodreads’ 30 million members save books to their “want to read” shelves, write reviews and share recommendations with friends.
    Started as a place to help readers find books through real-life friends, it’s since become a social destination for people connecting with online and offline friends, attracting 45 million unique visitors a month.
    The trove of data from these readers attracted the likes of Amazon, which acquired the company in April 2013 for a reported $150 million.
    “We’re in this unique position of having deep targeted data on 30 million book lovers,” said David Creechan, VP of ad sales. “This genre and intent-based data allows us to create custom targeted display and email campaigns.”
    Besides display and email, Goodreads’ social component – a book rated five stars by a friend will be noticed by all those in her circle – enables brands to “build an earned media component” into campaigns, Creechan said.
    Goodreads operates as an independent subsidiary of Amazon, important for the book publishers that run campaigns on the site – and who are often at odds with Amazon. “We have great relationships with book publishers,” Creechan said.
    But despite its independence, Goodreads is leveraging Amazon Media Group to explore opportunities to work with advertisers outside the publishing industry
    Ford Audiobook Club
    Earlier this year, Goodreads created the “Ford Audiobook Club,” a collaboration with the Amazon Media Group, Amazon-owned and Ford, which wanted to reach women between 25 and 45 who listened to audiobooks.
    Goodreads looked at its trending data to identify books on the cusp of being big that would resonate with Ford’s target audience. Their first selection was “#GIRLBOSS,” by fashion entrepreneur Sophie Amoruso. The author would join readers for a discussion of the book at the end of the month.

    Decline In Organic Reach Changes Facebook’s Value Proposition For SMBs
    December 8th, 2014 - 4:50 pmBy TopBots.BlogSpot.Com
    sumallFacebook’s declining organic reach has plagued small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) since it tweaked its algorithm about eight months ago. A study by analytics platform SumAll, released in October, highlights exactly what that fallout looks like for smaller advertisers on Facebook.
    Because Facebook’s algorithm change reduces the reach of Facebook posts, it has made it easier for click farms, or people paid to like pages, to flourish. Unfortunately, click farms reduce the number of potential customers or fans a business can reach with each message.
    “And that, in turn, is driving up the cost relative to the effectiveness of using Facebook as a tool for small businesses to publicize and advertise themselves,” said SumAll head of business development Scott Pollack. “This is basically spoiling the pool.”
    SumAll embarked on this research when it noticed that cost per action and cost per acquisition on Facebook had steadily increased, Pollack said.
    Using data pooled from The Loop Loft’s pages, SumAll found that cost-per-action (which includes likes, comments and conversations) increased 417%, from $0.05 to $0.24. The cost of acquiring a new site user rose 492%, from $0.20 to $1.16. The Loop Loft saw CPMs rise 70.4%.
    While The Loop Loft saw a direct correlation between Facebook activity and new users going back to 2012, the correlation began to drop off in 2013, when The Loop Loft noticed it was acquiring more likes, but not more revenue. “We started digging into the data in around September and released the analysis towards the end of October,” said Pollack, “hence the last three months being excluded. Then we just ran a year-over-year comparison versus the same period last year.”

    MAGNA Report: CPGs Kick Digital Ad Spend Into High Gear
    December 8th, 2014 - 9:27 amBy TopBots.BlogSpot.Com
    DPGA new report from Interpublic Group's MAGNA Global media research and buying arm reinforces earlier predictions that consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands would invest as much as $7 billion in digital advertising by 2018.
    According to MAGNA’s 2015 Global Advertising Revenue Forecast, released Monday, verticals like CPG and pharmaceuticals, which once invested more heavily in traditional channels such as TV and shopper marketing, are increasing digital's share of their overall media mixes.
    “Large mainstream brands,” as the MAGNA report described it, historically lagged in digital ad investments, but have begun to move past the exploration stage “due to the availability of new solutions allowing marketers and agencies to manage and monitor digital spending” in a more precise and transparent manner.
    These tools include attribution and reporting, brand safety and advanced audience targeting tools, according to Vincent Letang, director of global forecasting for MAGNA Global.
    Brands’ use of data to improve campaigns has catalyzed digital as a complement to, rather than replacement for, larger branding campaigns. Thus, more brands are buying on impressions (CPM) vs. clicks (CPC) or more performance-based pricing, contributing to the $21 billion allocated toward data-automated transactions this year.
    Read the rest of this entry Tomorrow When the full Article is Finished TopBots.BlogSpot.Com
    ad blog power list 2012
    There are too many advertising blogs. Way too many. Ironically, considering their topic is communications, most of them are unreadable thanks to a combination of poor content and loopy design.

    TopBots.BlogSpot.Com scoured more than 300 marketing blogs to see which are actually must-reads. We narrowed them down to just 22 (not counting Business Insider Advertising, of course!).
    Email This Post Email This Post
    Data: The Center Of Media’s Biggest Custody Battle
    December 8th, 2014 - 6:00 amBy TopBots.BlogSpot.Com
    John-donahue"Data-Driven Thinking" is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media.
    Today’s column is written by John Donahue, CEO at White Lightning + The Judge's Son
    The promise that marketers have been making for the last 15 years – that data will transform advertising by increasing efficiency and yield while lowering cost – is finally coming to pass. Programmatic and data-driven buying have come to the forefront of the media business for everyone from small businesses to giant CPG manufacturers.
    Since it takes data to power programmatic buying, the value of data keeps rising. And because data is more valuable than ever, everyone wants to be at the center of the data universe. Agencies, publishers, brands and tech companies are all fighting to amass as much of it as possible.
    And In This Corner…
    This battle royale for data ownership makes sense, in part because different players tend to see data in terms of a giant, zero-sum game of king of the hill. There seems to be a belief that the company who owns the data will win. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

    Home Is Where The Engagement Is: A Chat With Coldwell Banker
    December 8th, 2014 - 12:20 amBy Jay Stilla & Mister Bots
    SeanBlankenshipWhen real estate franchise Coldwell Banker conducted a consumer satisfaction survey last year, the company was presented with a few home truths.
    The most jarring finding was that 87% of respondents felt like there was room for improvement in the home-buying and selling process. Add to that the fact that 64% of those surveyed said that if they were selling a house, they’d be more likely to work with a real estate agent who let them share their own videos, photos and personal stories with potential buyers.
    Sean Blankenship, SVP of marketing at Coldwell Banker, realized he and his team had some work to do.
    “When more than 80% of consumers say that a part of the process is broken, you have to find a better way to do things,” Blankenship told AdExchanger. “Sellers simply didn’t feel like they were allowed to be involved in the process of marketing their own home.”
    At the beginning of November, Coldwell Banker launched a digital platform that embraces the seller perspective. Sellers are invited to share content, including stories about their home and personal memories, through a mobile-friendly digital interface where they can connect more directly with buyers. It’s a storytelling play with a digital spin.
    “Starting this year, we’ve really started to focus on what we can do to bring customer engagement into the digital sphere,” Blankenship said. “Right now, we have a mobile-first strategy. Pretty soon, we’ll have a mobile-only strategy.”
    TopBots.BlogSpot spoke with Blankenship about what’s happening in Coldwell’s digital house.

    Dark Social; Programmatic's The Word
    December 8th, 2014 - 12:03 amBy Mister Bots
    darksocialHere's today's news round-up... Want it by email? Sign-up here.
    Deepest Darkest Social
    Alexis Madrigal, who coined the term “dark social” in reference to untraceable web traffic on social sites, issued an update on the phenomenon in a piece for Fusion. According to data from Chartbeat, Madrigal says most of that traffic is percolating from Facebook’s mobile apps. “The takeaway is this: if you’re a media company, you are almost certainly underestimating your Facebook traffic,” Madrigal writes. “The only question is how much Facebook traffic you’re not counting. The bad news is that, if you didn’t know before, it should be even more clear now: Facebook owns web media distribution.” Gigaom has more.

    Spotify Queues Up Local Targeting, Courtesy Of Triton Digital
    December 5th, 2014 - 1:11 pmBy Jay Stilla
    spotSpotify is getting into the local ad game, courting brands with a platform that helps advertisers geotarget audiences in the US. The music streaming service will debut its Spot Radio Platform for brands on Jan. 1.
    The tool is backboned by Triton Digital, a marketing service to the media industry and a tech provider whose clients also include NPR, Pandora, CBS Radio and rdio. Triton’s tech, Webcast Metrics Local, offers market-level reporting and insights on the listening behaviors and engagement rates of Spotify’s more than 50 million monthly active users.
    Triton Digital’s Webcast Metrics Local is MRC-accredited, and pulls data from census stats, omitting samples, surveys and panels by measuring listeners’ activity directly.
    “Triton can measure on an exact level how many people are attached to a stream, whether that’s nationally or by market, and they can go deeper by ZIP code,” said Spotify’s Brian Benedik, VP of advertising and partnerships in North America. “Unlike the traditional radio measurement, which is panels and surveys, Triton has come to the market with an exact measurement, which is clearly valuable for the digital community.”
    Benedik called the release “a natural evolution” of the company’s ad business in the US.
    “Up until now, on the digital and on the radio side, we’ve only worked with brands to target national campaigns across the US,” he said. “Whether that’s through media or Spotify’s open API, we’ve been activating audience on a national level.”
    “Now, we’re opening up a new demand source by moving in the geotargeted, local game,” he added. “It diversifies us quite a bit and makes us friendlier to the advertising community. And it points to Spotify maturing as a business.”

    Q & A
    December 7th, 2014 - 12:01 pm Written By Jay Stilla, a knowledge resource site, has evolved from a basic wiki to a publisher and marketing tech provider.
    “We’ve made a lot of positive changes to the site,” said David Karandish, CEO of, “have added support for Facebook, Google+ and Twitter for [gated] logins ( now has over 180 million registered users) and turned the Answers home page into a news feed on trending Q&As on subjects and categories consumers are interested in.”, whose parent Answers Corp. was acquired in August by funds associated with equity firm Apax Partners for an estimated $900 million, is investing in technology and sales talent to drive new revenue opportunities.
    Answering The MarTech Call
    Despite its tech investments, Karandish still sees as more of a publisher and platform and less of a marketing tech provider.
    However, when acquired analytics company ForeSee for $200 million last December, it inherited 1,200 enterprise software customers, many of which are Retail Top 100 companies.
    AT&T, for instance, uses ForeSee to run customer experience analysis on its U-verse and mobile sites and compares its scores against an aggregated index based on its competitors’ first-party data.
    ForeSee wasn’t’s first tech acquisition. It gained a content syndication platform via its 2012 acquisition of online merchant review site ResellerRatings. It then acquired Webcollage and Easy2 Technologies in the spring and summer of 2013, companies that provide a cloud-based platform for interactive product listings on retail sites.

    UBot Studio
    #1.Ubot Studio:

    UBot is the internet marketer’s Swiss army knife. While other software attacks SEO, keyword research, and indexing with a chainsaw, UBot grows your business your way using marketing automation that YOU control. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and intelligent commands, it simplifies complicated and time-consuming tasks like account creation, article spinning, posting and messaging, on any websites you choose. Just watch a few of the tutorials and you can see how simple it is to stand out from the crowd with your own customized bots.

    We wanted Ubot 4 to be a breakthrough in automatic marketing technology. With our Image Recognition, this generation of marketers will be the first to control Flash games and applications inside their bots. Let me say that again. You can now make a bot for Farmville. And the new Artificial Intelligence feature and ultra-fast multi-threaded browsing will let you create accounts on almost any site at the touch of a button, and interact with web elements at lightning speeds. After you use the simple drag-and-drop interface to build scripts, you can switch to the new code view to copy, paste, and manipulate whole sets of commands as quickly as you would rewrite a sentence. Then, you can use the compile feature to turn these ideas into your own full-featured, stand-alone bots. You can sell them, give them away, or run them on as many different machines as you want.

    Rebuilt from the ground up, the latest version of the most popular marketing automation software on the planet is
    Devour Your Competition With The Only 100% Marketing Automation Program – UBot Studio

    • - Easier to use, with intelligent element selection that lets you build bots faster
    • - More powerful, with multithreading that gives you the power to unleash armies of bots at once (Pro) 
    • - State-of-the-art, with Advanced Image Recognition that lets users control Flash and more (Pro)
    • - Programmer-friendly, just switch to code view for instant scripting (Pro) 
    • – Intelligent, with Artificial Intelligence lets you make accounts universally on most websites
    • - User-friendly, with a drag and drop interface for easy command creation
    • - Profitable for customers, who can compile any script into a stand-alone .exe’s
    • - Stealthy, combining inbuilt support for Proxy Flipping, Captcha Solving, and Windows Shell Commands, as well as User Agents (Pro)
    • - Smart, featuring conditionals, variables, and scraping commands hand you the power to automate everything

    The best marketing automation software on the planet is easier to use and more incredible than ever.

    Other Non Bot Options:


    C# More: Features Build A Bot Blogs
    Code to Extract Email Addresses


    This Info Was Quoted From Jay Stilla and Mister Bots Blooger By Google Blogs. TopBots.BlogSpot.Com [Created By iMyriad CEO Jason Jay Stilla Lee" it is a Informative Social Media Marketing Bots News Blog & That List Free Downloads of Automated Bot Software Apps for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Instagram & Social Media Websites Written By Jason "Jay Stilla" Lee Online. His Alias Mister Bots Is Software Creation Specialist whom Develops Marketing Bots and Software Scripts that are Given away at no cost weekly. He Also teaches SEO Secrets and Tools For Advertising" Blogger.Com -TopBots Website Blog https://TopBots.Com < Informative Software and internet Technology News Blog.. Web blogging on new 2015 Bots and 2014's Best Software Bots Automated and Scripted Combined. iMyriads.BigCartel.Com < is a Website Created by Jay Stilla

    Code to Extract Email Addresses

    The Following is a sample code to Extract Email addresses from a given string and store them into an array.I will give the code as Method, so that you can easily import it into your application.This code can be easily used to extract Email Id’s from a web page, just pass the HTML of the web page as the Text2Scrape.

    This Class uses String arrays to store results
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

    1. namespace JayStilla.Mrbots
    2. {
    3. public class ExtractEmails
    4. {
    5. private string s;
    6. public ExtractEmails(string Text2Scrape)
    7. {
    8. this.s = Text2Scrape;
    9. }
    10. public string[] Extract_Emails()
    11. {
    12. string[] Email_List = new string[0];
    13. Regex r = new Regex(@"[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    14. Match m;
    15. //Searching for the text that matches the above regular expression(which only matches email addresses)
    16. for (m = r.Match(s); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
    17. {
    18. //This section here demonstartes Dynamic arrays
    19. if (m.Value.Length > 0)
    20. {
    21. //Resize the array Email_List by incrementing it by 1, to save the next result
    22. Array.Resize(ref Email_List, Email_List.Length + 1);
    23. Email_List[Email_List.Length - 1] = m.Value;
    24. }
    25. }
    26. return Email_List;
    27. }
    28. }
    29. }


    Free EPK from
    The following code snippet is the same as the above one, the only difference is that this method saves the Extracted Email Id’s to a string list instead of an array, I think the following code is more effective and easy to code
    This class uses List to store results, and these list are converted into arrays just before they are returned as arrays

    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    using System. Media;
    using System.Threading

    1. namespace TopBots.Media
    2. {
    3. public class ExtractEmailLists
    4. {
    5. private string s;
    6. public ExtractEmailLists(string Text2Scrape)
    7. {
    8. this.s = Text2Scrape;
    9. }
    10. public string[] Extract_Emails()
    11. {
    12. Regex r = new Regex(@"[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    13. Match m;
    14. List results = new List();
    15. for (m = r.Match(s); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
    16. {
    17. if (!(results.Contains(m.Value)))
    18. results.Add(m.Value);
    19. }
    20. return results.ToArray();
    21. }
    22. }
    23. }

    UBot Studio 

    Announcing UBot Studio – The First And Best Simple-To-Use, No-Programming-Necessary Bot Maker!

    UBot is the internet marketer’s Swiss army knife. While other software attacks SEO, keyword research, and indexing with a chainsaw, UBot grows your business your way using marketing automation that YOU control. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and intelligent commands, it simplifies complicated and time-consuming tasks like account creation, article spinning, posting and messaging, on any websites you choose. Just watch a few of the tutorials and you can see how simple it is to stand out from the crowd with your own customized bots.

    Other Non Bot Options:https://TopBots.Com